Us Lyrics
Us Lyrics by JACK DOYO
I can't
Recover from my last conversation
It's was us at the start
But you changed in the end
Thought I played out my part
But you played me in the end
I don't wanna start fresh
It was you n never them
It was you n never them
Doll, thought we'd last until the end
Nah, but it must have been pretend
Yeah, now I'm always in feelings now
Ah, let's just call things off
Cuz whatever that we had Isn't working out anyways
Let's just call things off
You wouldn't wanna work it out anyways
You half foot in
And you half foot out
Im one step close
To leaving out this house
You half foot in
And you half foot out
And if you not all in
Then I guess you out
You half foot in
And you half foot out
Im one step close
To leaving out this house
It's was us at the start
But you changed in the end
Thought I played out my part
But you played me in the end
I don't wanna start fresh
It was you and never them
It was you n never them
Doll, thought we'd last until the end
Nah, but it must have been pretend
Yeah, now I'm always in feelings now
Ah, let's just call things off
Cuz whatever that we had Isn't working out anyways
Let's just call things off
You wouldn't wanna work it out anyways
(My God...)
"You know me I am the original Don Dada"
(I told them to play the exclusive)
It's was us at the start
But you changed in the end
Thought I played out my part
But you played me in the end
I don't wanna start fresh
It was you n never them
It was you n never them
Doll, thought we'd last until the end
Nah, but it must have been pretend
Yeah, now I'm always in feelings now
Ah, let's just call things off
Cuz whatever that we had Isn't working out anyways
Let's just call things off
You wouldn't wanna work it out anyways
Yeah, you know like... its a rude boy thing
I don't think you meant for the life that
You signed up for
But its whatever though...
I still gotta do me
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