Haile Lyrics by NAVY KENZO

Mmmh girl, mmh girl

Jump make I stay high re
Started from the bottom
Now we going skyway

If you got the bottles
Can you bring it my way
If you got the bottles
Can you bring it my way

Jump make I stay high re
Started from the bottom
Now we going skyway

If you got the bottles
Can you bring it my way
If you got the bottles
Can you bring it my way

I take you date on new location
I take you date to a different location
After we done we can have a conversation
You are on your toes it's a good situation

Mami please you know you are a star
Don't mind me taking shots on you now
On me give it up on me now
Excuse me if I want you around 

I take you date on new location
I take you date to a different location
After we done we can have a conversation
You are on your toes it's a good situation

Jump make I stay high re
Started from the bottom
Now we going skyway

If you got the bottles
Can you bring it my way
If you got the bottles
Can you bring it my way

Jump make I stay high re
Started from the bottom
Now we going skyway

If you got the bottles
Can you bring it my way
If you got the bottles
Can you bring it my way

I know you want it
You wanna gimme gimme your wallet
Wanna take you slow bad whine it

Anything I promise you you matter
And baby boy you gotta keep all the matter
Me and you kama Bonnie and Clyde
Tufanya kama mummy and dad
Haijawahi kuwa bila utamu

Ring now you are my valentine
Don't promise me love 
Just give it to me 
Give me love like give it to you

I give you everything you need and want to
Break up your leg one two
Make up your mind one two
Give me everything  

Give it to me
And I give it to you
One Two

Jump make I stay high re
Started from the bottom
Now we going skyway

If you got the bottles
Can you bring it my way
If you got the bottles
Can you bring it my way

Jump make I stay high re
Started from the bottom
Now we going skyway

If you got the bottles
Can you bring it my way
If you got the bottles
Can you bring it my way

Tarara yeah yeah
Tarara yeah yeah
Tarara yeah yeah

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About Haile

Album : Story of The African Mob (Album)
Release Year : 2020
Copyright : (c) 2020 The Industry Studios.
Added By : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Sep 06 , 2020

More lyrics from Story of The African Mob album

More NAVY KENZO Lyrics


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