Nini To Sali Te Lyrics In English

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English Translation For Nini To Sali Te by MPR

What haven't we done?
But what haven't we done?

Sixty-one year of independence, but we're still lagging behind
Is it an eternal flood?
I'm not very enthusiastic anymore when it comes to going
To vote elections or not, it's the same
Starvation sticks to us like second nature
And security reigns supreme in all our cities
As we languish in misery (…)
MPs in parliament spend most of their time feasting
The life of the Congolese is harsh, comparable to the fight of Ali and Foreman
They say we are a rich country, it is due to anything
What prayers have we not said and yet God decides to ignore us?
Most politicians are visionless
They promise us water, but as soon as they have a little wine, they get the hell out of it
They promise you Mounts and Wonders (...) and yet do not hesitate to turn away
The tears of regret guess the reflection of our way of life (...)
And throughout the time our smile masks a deep discomfort

Study, we did
Fasts and prayers! We did it
Breaking down family ties, we did
Struggle and persevere, we did
But what haven't we done?
But what haven't we done?

We were told that "if Mobutu left everything would be better"
He's gone, it's the status quo, they said that "if Kabila lets go everything should improve"
He's gone and nothing's going for the best
What are "the studies we do" for
For lack of anything better, we sell kola nuts and cigarettes on the streets to survive
But we are the ones to blame.
The mother sacrificed everything so that I could finish my studies
She sold bread and embers to the neighborhood to give us a life
Alas, despite all this, I did not know how to make him smile
Because I never managed to get hired
What have we done to deserve all of this?
No change despite all efforts we spend all our time begging
Are we a sacrificed generation?
It's the same episode that repeats over and over every year

Study, we did
Fasts and prayers! We did it
Breaking down family ties, we did
Struggle and persevere, we did
But what haven't we done?
But what haven't we done?

Hope gradually fades over the years
The days go by and we lose faith
Evil eats away at our hearts
How to live in peace when
The future is bleak
Our reality is uncertain
We lost our patience, with our sadness hidden behind our smiles

Study, we did
Fasts and prayers! We did it
Breaking down family ties, we did
Struggle and persevere, we did
But what haven't we done?
But what haven't we done?

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About Nini To Sali Te

Album : Première Leçon (EP),
Release Year : 2021
Added By: Farida
Published: Nov 07 , 2021

More MPR Lyrics

Comments ( 1 )

Christian 2021-11-24 14:15:19

Mais que ce que l'on n'a pas fait ? Après tout ces années, nos héros nationaux nous laissant un si vaste pays, eux qui lutter pour une unité, une vision, un aller en avant ! Faut-il revenir leurs esprits ? Faut-il pleurer leurs départ ? Faut-il crier au secours ailleurs ? ... Qui nous ont-ils laissés ? Nos sommes un peuple démunis, les chefs le savent bien que nous. Eux qui se distingue, s'écarte du groupe en allant faire des fêtes à l'étranger. Ils savent mieux que tous comment est la vie à l'autre côté de chez nous. Mais que ce qu'on a pas fait ? Que faire encore ? Après tout ça ? Qui devrait partir après nos ex chefs ? ??‍♂️ On reste congolais malgré les pleurs

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