Paroles de Happy Day
Paroles de Happy Day Par YEMI ALADE
My bobo don break my heart
E don play me like football
I don call the next bobo I no send oh
Omo omo my landlord don they knock
E want make I pack comot
I don waka go lagos I no send oh
I go dey bellefull bellefull
Nothing you fit to fit to do
I’m gonna be happy all day
Make nobody jealousy jealousy
Nothing way you go fit to do
I’m gonna be happy all day
I don’t mind if I wake up with one thousand and tomorrow na 2 billion
It’s still a happy day
For my mind, I go still get 2 billon
But right now na 10 thousand
Still a happy day
Whether today or tomorrow we go jaye
We go they outside
Whether today or tomorrow we go jaye
We go they outside
I don’t mind if e nepa no they
My invater go dey
I go still they shine bright
Omo I go hip-hop hooray
I no they worry my mind
I just won live my life
Omo na my happiness consign me
I go they bellefull bellefull
Nothing you fit to fit to do
I’m gonna be happy all day
Make nobody jealousy jealousy
Nothing way you go fit to do
I’m gonna be happy all day
I don’t mind if I wake up with one thousand and tomorrow na 2 billion
It’s still a happy day
For my mind I go still get 2 billion
But right now na ten thousand
Still a happy day
Whether today or tomorrow we go jaye
We go they outside
Whether today or tomorrow we go jaye
We go they outside
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