WIZKID Anoti cover image

Paroles de Anoti

Paroles de Anoti Par WIZKID

Turn up your body make you feel alright
Fly in the kele wey go cool my mind 
I wan do anything I want tonight
Make we do anything we want tonight
Turn up your body make you feel alright
Fly in the  kele wey go cool my mind
I wan do anything I want tonight
Make  we do anything we want tonight

Say I go dey
Me i go dey dey dey de oya gbe 
 oya gbe gbe gbe  me I go dey
And i go dey dey dey dey I go dey 
Oya  gbe gbe gbe gbe larote
Me I go dey dey dey dey oya gbe 
Ko ya gbe gbe gbe gbe larote
She don dey ?again oya gbe 
Oya gbe gbe gbe gbe na today

She like it fast and slowly 
Sometimes she dey confuse me
Me never leave her lonely
Me never leave her lonely
And I dey turn up when she need me 
She like ko joromijo
She say she don't want no man o but me 
So I dey give her what she  need o

Turn up your body make you feel alright
Fly  in the kele wey go cool my mind 
I wan do anything I want tonight
Make we do anything we want tonight
Turn up your body make you feel alright
Fly in the  kele wey go cool my mind
I wan do anything I want tonight
Make we do anything we want tonight

Say I go dey
Me i go dey dey dey de oya gbe 
 oya gbe gbe gbe  me I go dey
And i go dey dey dey dey I go dey 
Oya  gbe gbe gbe gbe larote
Me I go dey dey dey dey oya gbe 
Ko ya gbe gbe gbe gbe larote
She don dey ?again oya gbe 
Oya gbe gbe gbe gbe na today

Yes she go sweet pass melody
She gat the thing wey dey make a man sin
And I no dey leave if she no leave 
And she dey call me mr romantic
And for the yatch she dey bend down her knees 
For the loving  I dey give she never see 
I fit to love you tonight 
If I fit love you for life
For She dey turn on my mind
She say she dey for only me o
She say she like to 
She say she want no man o but me 
But I dey give her all she needs 

Say I go dey
Me i go dey dey dey de oya gbe 
 oya gbe gbe gbe  me I go dey
And i go dey dey dey dey I go dey 
Oya  gbe gbe gbe gbe larote
Me I go dey dey dey dey oya gbe 
Ko ya gbe gbe gbe gbe larote
She don dey ?again oya gbe 
Oya gbe gbe gbe gbe na today


A Propos de "Anoti"

Album : Made In Lagos (Deluxe) (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Copyright : (c) 2021
Ajouté par : Regee
Published : Aug 26 , 2021

Plus de lyrics de l'album Made in Lagos (Deluxe)

Plus de Lyrics de WIZKID


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