WENDY SHAY Nobody cover image

Paroles de Nobody

Paroles de Nobody Par WENDY SHAY


If nobody talk about you
It means that they don’t know you
If them no goosip about you
Them no see light around you
If Wendy Williams know you
Then you dey inside the shade room
Eno be them wey them born you
Forgetti them and do you

You be nobody when they don’t talk about you
You be nobody when they don’t talk about you
Nobody, you be nobody
When them don’t talk about you
You nobody
You be nobody when them don’t talk about you

Them say no woman fi make am
When a woman start make am
Them say ebi man wey do am
Them say ebi man wey do am
Eno be every woman wey chop the men
Before she go make am learn some sense
You and your fake ass got some friends
You and your lazy ass got some friends
Eno be every woman wey chop the men
Before she go make am learn some sense
You and your fake ass got some friends
You and your lazy ass got some friends

You be nobody when they don’t talk about you
You be nobody when they don’t talk about you
Nobody, you be nobody
When them don’t talk about you
You nobody
You be nobody when them don’t talk about you

(He says, she says, who say
Forget them all them bad people
Forget them all them bad people
Ebi He says, she says, who say)
What did he say eh
(He says, she says, who say)
What did she say eh
(Forget them all them bad people
Forget them all them bad people)

If nobody talk about you
It means that they don’t know you
If them no goosip about you
Them no see light around you
If Wendy Williams know you
Then you dey inside the shade room
Eno be them wey them born you
Forgetti them and do you

You be nobody when they don’t talk about you
You be nobody when they don’t talk about you
Nobody, you be nobody
When them don’t talk about you
You nobody
You be nobody when them don’t talk about you


A Propos de "Nobody"

Album : Nobody (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Apr 09 , 2021

Plus de Lyrics de WENDY SHAY


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