TAKURA Push To Start cover image

Paroles de Push To Start

Paroles de Push To Start Par TAKURA

Hanzi hanzi illuminati, just because ndaisa curry
I pull up push to star and then I skrrrt to mbali
Hanzi boys remagitare, harina cash muwallet
But then I push to start and then I skrrrt to mbali
Anomakwa ndiye ane bhora
Nelsemora sasamora eh, don’t forget in diaspora
Ndirikutora bag us dollar
Simon chopa his allergic sulu-mani angafeshe
I’ll be sober when I’m prolyl
Only I’m talking need a 47
Kuguta kwamaitawo
Pane  wamwe vasipo
Pane  wamwe vasipo
Pane  wamwe vasipo
Kuzvida kwamaitawo
Pane vasina sipo
Pane vasina sipo
Pane vasina sipo

Tryna spend the money right
Budget racho riri tight ever manzwa
Kwai kwai kwai kwai kwai kwai
So my body in a pipe
Michael came to save my life
I was ready to resign sign, sign sign sign
Materewechere ndaghiritsa
Nyembe ndabuda muchambiringwa
Ndakanaga chaipo-ipo, ipo ipo ipo ipo
Materewechere ndaghiritsa
Nyembe ndabuda muchambiringwa
Ndakanaga chaipo-ipo, ipo ipo ipo ipo

Hanzi hanzi illuminati, just because ndaisa curry
I pull up push to star and then I skrrrt to mbali
Hanzi boys remagitare, harina cash muwallet
But then I push to start and then I skrrrt to mbali


A Propos de "Push To Start"

Album : Push To Start (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Jul 01 , 2021

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