SINACH I Exalt You cover image

Paroles de I Exalt You

Paroles de I Exalt You Par SINACH

Jesus, I worship You
I adore You, captain of my soul
Jesus, I honor You
I adore You, lover of my soul

You mean so much to me
You are my precious friend
Oh, how I love You so
You mean so much to me
You are my precious friend
Oh, how I love You so

Oh, You are my friend

Jesus, Your love is real
I adore You, lover of my soul
Jesus, Your word is true
I adore You, captain of my soul

You mean so much to me
You are my precious friend
Oh, how I love You so
You mean so much to me
You are my precious friend
Oh, how I love You so

Oh, I love You, oh

Lord, I love You
With all that is in me
Precious Jesus, I exalt You
Lord, I love You
With all that is in me
Precious Jesus, I exalt You

Lord, I love You
With all that is in me
Precious Jesus, I exalt You
Lord, I love You
With all that is in me
Precious Jesus, I exalt You

I exalt You, I exalt You
I exalt You, I exalt You
I exalt You, I exalt You
I exalt You, Lord

You mean so much to me
You are my precious friend
Oh, how I love You so
You mean so much to me
You are my precious friend
Oh, how I love You so


A Propos de "I Exalt You"

Album : The Greatest Lord (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Copyright : (c) 2021
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Apr 01 , 2021

Plus de lyrics de l'album Greatest Lord

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