SEYI SHAY Let Me Know  cover image

Paroles de Let Me Know

Paroles de Let Me Know Par SEYI SHAY

Can't you see, I'm wanting you
Texting you, I'm needing you
But if you no wan do, just let me know
Stop hurting me, just let me know
Oh boy I hope you know I'm not a fool
I'm in love with the things you do

You know I'm hotter than them
You know I fire pass them
But you won just break my heart
You won just break me down
So when you're ready boy

Let me know oh, let me know
Let me know oh, let me know
Just let me know oh, let me know
Let me know let me know

Let me know oh, let me know
Let me know oh, let me know
Just let me know oh, let me know
Let me know let me know

Me say give me an update
So I know just how to move
Had to ask him "Baby, what's your groove, what's your p?"
I wanna know how to do with you
I want him on my side, and I need him in my thighs
Slippery slope down my slide
Playtime for a big bully
I call him big daddy
He only mess with me
Baby let me know

You know I'm hotter than them
You know I fire pass them
But you won just break my heart
You won just break me down
So when you ready boy

Let me know oh, let me know
Let me know oh, let me know
Just let me know oh, let me know
Let me know let me know

Let me know oh, let me know
Let me know oh, let me know
Just let me know oh, let me know
Let me know let me know


A Propos de "Let Me Know "

Album : Big Girl (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Copyright : (c) 2021
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Dec 15 , 2021

Plus de lyrics de l'album Big Girl

Plus de Lyrics de SEYI SHAY


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