Paroles de Like This Par SERGE IBAKA

Fuzzy fuzzy mwana nzambe

You like the melody
Stomping my feet
Ignite the lightning
Sheesh I'll like to say
You back it up
We're getting wavy

Shey you want do me biker
Shey you want hold the lighter
You say you want feel the lightning
You say you want dooo
Shey you want do me biker
Shey you want hold the lighter
You say you want feel the lightning
Everyday we jam
We bounce
We dance we dey do am like this
When you hear the jam
You bounce
You dance
You dey do am like this

Ooh ahh ooh ahh ooh ahh ouuh
Ooh ahh ooh ahh ooh ahh ouuh
Ooh ahh ooh ahh ooh ahh ouuh
Ooh ahh ooh ahh ooh ahh ouuh
Ooh ahh ooh ahh ooh ahh ouuh
Ooh ahh ooh ahh ooh ahh ouuh

Everyday we jam
We bounce
We dance we dey do am like this
When you hear the jam
You bounce
You dance
You dey do am like this

Shey you want do me biker
Shey you want hold the lighter
You say you want feel the lightning
You say you want do
Shey you want do me biker
Everyday we jam
We bounce
We dance we dey do am like this
When you hear the jam
You bounce
You dance
You dey do am like this

Ooh ahh ooh ahh ooh ahh ouuh
Ooh ahh ooh ahh ooh ahh ouuh
Ooh ahh ooh ahh ooh ahh ouuh
Ooh ahh ooh ahh ooh ahh ouuh
Ooh ahh ooh ahh ooh ahh ouuh
Ooh ahh ooh ahh ooh ahh ouuh


A Propos de "Like This"

Album : Art (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2022
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Sep 21 , 2022

Plus de Lyrics de SERGE IBAKA


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