SELEBOBO Take cover image

Paroles de Take

Paroles de Take Par SELEBOBO

Ah yeah bonkerebo
Ah bonkere bonkerebo
Ah Selebobo,  bonkerebo
Ah ! ah bonkere bonkerebo

Have been longing for ya chellum
Have been waiting for ya shey you know
I get something for you
Something wey sweet pass my love o
Girl no be wash, Yeh yeah

Take my money
Take e take my money
I gat something for ya
If my love is not enough
Take my money
Take am dey go
I get something for ya
If my love is not enough o

Wellu wellu wellu wellu wellu  wellu eh
Chellu chellu chellu chellu chellu, chellu eh ( take am)
Biko take it oh
(Wellu wellu wellu wellu wellu  wellu eh )
Take it o
Chellu chellu chellu chellu chellu

Ah aah baby you too much eh eh
Come make you quench my desire
Na you be my focus eh e e
Ewo ewo
Faya faya
E togbulam mo e e
Send me your aza make I wire
Any amount wey you require
I dey  for you

Have been longing for ya, chellum
Have been waiting for ya shey you know
I get something for ya
Something wey sweet pass banana
Girl no be wash (Yeh eeh)
Take my money
Take e take my money
I gat something for you
If my love is not enough
Take my money
Take am dey go
I get something for ya
If my love is not enough o

Wellu wellu wellu wellu wellu  wellu eh
Chellu chellu chellu chellu chellu , chellu eh ( take am)
Biko take it o
Wellu wellu wellu wellu wellu  wellu eh
Take it oo
Chellu chellu chellu chellu chellu



A Propos de "Take"

Album : Take (EP)
Année de Sortie : 2020
Ajouté par : Regee
Published : Jul 26 , 2020

Plus de lyrics de l'album Bobo of Africa (EP)

Plus de Lyrics de SELEBOBO


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