SARKODIE Country Side cover image

Paroles de Country Side

Paroles de Country Side Par SARKODIE

Can you hear this song
If you hear this, get your kicks on
No time my brother we gone, we gone
You know yendi agorɜ no more
We no fit waste time pon no pagan brothers, no more
Them go see we for country side
E be there them go see we o
Them go follow man dem go go oh, for country side
E be there them go see we o
Them go follow man dem go go oh, for country side
E be there them go see we o
Them go follow man dem go go oh, for country side
E be there them go see we o
Them go follow man dem go go oh, for country side

Time no dey wait for nobody
Wote faako aa na wote wadeɜ so dey waste time
Everybody get their own blessing
Ya kyekyɜ ama naso obisa so so why dey hate mine
By the time a moaniso bs tete mo no na mɜdru amanone
Ma timberland na ebo me baseline
Mepɜ sɜ meyi moa hi nti mekye menkosua ahomakye a ago chew am infe day time
Mefie sɜmodͻ me where the love at
Nti na mofrɜ me a ano dey call back
Afei na mɜhu sɜ fame no be all that
Meho kyeri mepɜ everybody go fall back
So when the good time come and the money pile up for the country side
E be wonna go see the paper
We go stack for the ride inside
Them go see we for country side

E be there them go see we o
Them go follow man dem go go oh, for country side
E be there them go see we o
Them go follow man dem go go oh, for country side
E be there them go see we o
Them go follow man dem go go oh, for country side
E be there them go see we o
Them go follow man dem go go oh, for country side

Them for think about the place where I came from
And all the things that I’ve been through
It’s kinda funny how you niggas wanna say sum
Sɜ bibiaa fre mensa kraa mensu
Cause I started of broke, omo mia me kon buh the nigga don’t choke
Nobody for try me if you don’t want smoke
I know it’s hard buh I’m giving y’all hope
When you feeling like the world is against you
And your back against the wall
God is gonna send you an angel
Nyame ba biaa go rise when you fall so
Don’t stop stay strong
E no be overnight e go take long
When you go ten times down
You go rise ten times up sing along

Na we on
Can you hear this song
If you hear this, get your kicks on
No time my brother we gone, we gone
You know yendi agorɜ no more
We no fit waste time pon no pagan brothers, no more
Them go see we for country side
E be there them go see we o
Them go follow man dem go go oh, for country side
E be there them go see we o
Them go follow man dem go go oh, for country side
E be there them go see we o
Them go follow man dem go go oh, for country side
E be there them go see we o
Them go follow man dem go go oh, for country side


A Propos de "Country Side"

Album : JAMZ (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2022
Copyright : (C) 2022. Sarkcess Music — All Rights Reserved
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Nov 11 , 2022

Plus de Lyrics de SARKODIE


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