DIANA HAMILTON The Name Of Jesus cover image

Paroles de The Name Of Jesus

Paroles de The Name Of Jesus Par DIANA HAMILTON

There is a name, there is a name
That calms the seas and tames the storms
I know a name, I know a name
That changes lives and destinies
The wind obeys and demons flee
When that name is lifted high

Of the mention of that name in faith, miracles happen
The name of Jesus is lifted high
We have come in the name of (Jesus)
In the mighty name of (Jesus)
Heaven listen to (Jesus)
When we call on Jesus
Of the mention of that name in faith, miracles happen
The name of Jesus is lifted high
We have come in the name of (Jesus)
In the mighty name of (Jesus)
Heaven listen to (Jesus)
When we call on Jesus
Of the mention of that name in faith, miracles happen
The name of Jesus is lifted high

There is a name, there is a name
That calms the seas and tames the storms
I know a name, I know a name
That changes lives and destinies
The wind obeys and demons flee
When that name is lifted high

We have come in the name of (Jesus)
In the mighty name of (Jesus)
Heaven listen to (Jesus)
When we call on Jesus
Of the mention of that name in faith, miracles happen
The name of Jesus is lifted high
We have come in the name of (Jesus)
In the mighty name of (Jesus)
Heaven listen to (Jesus)
Because when we call on Jesus
Of the mention of that name in faith, miracles happen
The name of Jesus is lifted high

It makes the wonders spirit whole and calms the troubled breast
Tis manner to the hungry soul and to the weary rest
We have come in the name of (Jesus)
In the mighty name of (Jesus)
Heaven listen to (Jesus)
When we call on Jesus
Of the mention of that name in faith, miracles happen
The name of Jesus is lifted high
We have come in the name of (Jesus)
In the mighty name of (Jesus)
Because Heaven listen to (Jesus)
When we call on Jesus
Of the mention of that name in faith, miracles happen
The name of Jesus is lifted high

God of miracles
The God who parted the red sea
The one who forgives
Our refuges
You’re a miracle worker
You’re a destiny changer
The name is “He who had done it before”
So do what no man has ever done

Of the mention of that name in faith, miracles happen
The name of Jesus is lifted high
We have come in the name of (Jesus)
In the mighty name of (Jesus)
Because Heaven listen to (Jesus)
When we call on Jesus
Of the mention of that name in faith, miracles happen
The name of Jesus is lifted high

God of miracles
The God who parted the red sea
The one who forgives
Our refuges
You’re a miracle worker
You’re a destiny changer
The name is “He who had done it before”
So do what no man has ever done

Of the mention of that name in faith, miracles happen
The name of Jesus is lifted high
We have come in the name of (Jesus)
In the mighty name of (Jesus)
Because Heaven listen to (Jesus)
When we call on Jesus
Of the mention of that name in faith, miracles happen
The name of Jesus is lifted high
Of the mention of that name in faith, miracles happen
The name of Jesus is lifted high
Of the mention of that name in faith, miracles happen
The name of Jesus is lifted high

We have come in the name of (Jesus)
In the mighty name of (Jesus)
Because Heaven listen to (Jesus)
When we call on Jesus
Of the mention of that name in faith, miracles happen
The name of Jesus is lifted high


A Propos de "The Name Of Jesus"

Album : The Name Of Jesus (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2022
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : May 06 , 2022

Plus de Lyrics de DIANA HAMILTON


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