RYAN OFEI Jehova  cover image

Paroles de Jehova

Paroles de Jehova Par RYAN OFEI

A thousand words won’t be enough
To sing the praise of my saviour
Of my saviour, of my saviour
He who was and is to come
The risen king holds all power
Holds all power
Only You are Holy, Mighty, Worthy of Glory
We will praise you now
Only You are Awesome, Righteous, King in the Heavens
We will crown You now

Our Defender, Our Strong Tower
Jehova, Jehova
You are for us, not against us
Jehova, Jehova

The ancient words will never change will never fade
I’m surrounded, I’m surrounded
In a den filled with lions
You shut their mouths
I walk freely, I walk freely
Only You are Holy, Mighty, Worthy of Glory
We will praise you now
Only You are Awesome, Righteous, King in the heavens  
We will crown You now
We will crown You now

Our Defender, Our Strong Tower
Jehova, Jehova
You are for us, not against us
Jehova, Jehova
Our Defender, Our Strong Tower
Jehova, Jehova
You are for us, not against us
Jehova, Jehova

You are for us not against us
You are for us not against us
You are for us not against us
Jehova Jehova


A Propos de "Jehova "

Album : Jehova (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Aug 04 , 2021

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