RYAN OFEI Amen (Wo Awie)  cover image

Paroles de Amen (Wo Awie)

Paroles de Amen (Wo Awie) Par RYAN OFEI

You know what I will ask
Even before my needs
You were working on my behalf
At times when I could not see
Your hand’s been guiding me throughout
This journey
Now you’re preparing a table before me
To sit and eat in the presence of my enemies

Wo Awie
Wo Awie
Wo Awie
Asem no a woka ye no, boshe a woshe me no
Wo Awie

So I’d rather give it to you
Than stand still in worry
For a dying mother who's sick
And her son who's hurting
You are present and able
I’m certain
Your blood was shed and You tore through the curtain
Of unbelief so I could sing

Wo Awie
Wo Awie
Wo Awie
Asem no a woka ye no, boshe a woshe me no
Wo Awie
Wo Awie
Wo Awie
Wo Awie
Asem no a woka ye no, boshe a woshe me no
Wo Awie
Wo Awie
Wo Awie

It is already done
We are only waiting for the manifestation
It is already done
We are only waiting for the manifestation
It is already done
We are only waiting for the manifestation
It is already done
We are only waiting for the manifestation
It is already done
We are only waiting for the manifestation
It is already done
We are only waiting for the manifestation
We are only waiting
We are only waiting
We are only waiting
We are only waiting
We are only waiting
We are only waiting for the manifestation
We are only waiting
We are only waiting
We are only waiting
We are only waiting
We are only waiting for the manifestation

Wo Awie
Wo Awie
Wo Awie
Asem no a woka ye no, boshe a woshe me no
Wo Awie


A Propos de "Amen (Wo Awie) "

Album : Amen (Wo Awie) (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2023
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Jan 08 , 2023

Plus de Lyrics de RYAN OFEI


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