ROTIMI Say My Name cover image

Paroles de Say My Name

Paroles de Say My Name Par ROTIMI

Everyone knows that she's a star, star, star
She got expensive taste for caviar-ar-ar, yeah
Quality love, she sets the bar-ar-ar, mm
They wonder who catchin' her heart-art-art
Tell the truth, girl

Let 'em know it, babe
There's a lot of suitors out there that wanna give you their name
You keep breakin' hearts
They wanna know who's to blame
If anybody ask who put it on that ass, just say my name

Say my name, baby, say my name, oh (Say my name)
If anybody ask, just say my name, girl (Say my name)
Girl, when I please you, you can scream my name (Say my name)
And when you need me, just say my name (Say my name)

Dig my energy
Exactly why you come to me
You know it's a guarantee
That you get all that you need, girl
Every time you on the scene
They tryna get on the ting, rasta
But you know all you gotta do is tell the truth, girl

Let 'em know it, babe
There's a lot of suitors out there that wanna give you their name
You keep breakin' hearts
They wanna know who's to blame
If anybody ask who put it on that ass, just say my name

Say my name, baby, say my name, oh (Say my name)
If anybody ask, just say my name, girl (Say my name)
Girl, when I please you, you can scream my name (Say my name)
And when you need me, just say my name (Say my name)

Say my name


A Propos de "Say My Name"

Album : All or Nothing (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Copyright : (c) 2021
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Aug 28 , 2021

Plus de lyrics de l'album All or Nothing

Plus de Lyrics de ROTIMI

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