ROSY OHON You Alone cover image

Paroles de You Alone

Paroles de You Alone Par ROSY OHON

You are glorious
You are glorious

Let all the hands in your praises
And all the nations bow down at your throne
Your name is lifted too high
Than any other name I know

Jesus you alone you deserve
To receive all the praise
To receive all the honor
I declare that your name is great
That you are powerful and glorious 

You are glorious
You are glorious

Let all the hands in your praises
And all the nations bow down at your throne
Your name is lifted too high
Than any other name I know

Jesus you alone you deserve
To receive all the praise
To receive all the honor
I declare that your name is great
That you are powerful and glorious 

You are glorious
You are glorious

Your name be lifted high
Your name be lifted high
Your name be lifted high
Your name be lifted high

Jesus you alone you deserve
To receive all the praise
To receive all the honor
I declare that your name is great
That you are powerful and glorious 

Jesus you alone you deserve
To receive all the praise
To receive all the honor
I declare that your name is great
That you are powerful and glorious 

You are glorious
You are glorious
You are glorious
You are glorious

Jesus you alone you deserve
To receive all the praise
To receive all the honor
I declare that your name is great
That you are powerful and glorious 


A Propos de "You Alone"

Album : You Alone (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2020
Copyright : (c) 2020
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Dec 15 , 2020

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