Paroles de Like A Queen
Paroles de Like A Queen Par RIC HASSANI
Never seen no one dance like that
Never seen a bad stepper like ya
You move and everything just stops
Your moves are out of this world
The way you moving
You move like a Queen
Like a Queen
I think I just got hypnotized by you
I think I just fell in love again
In a very very long time again
Very very long time
The way you moving
You move like a Queen
like a Queen
Dancing under the tree
Rub my back, I rub your back oh
Hold my hand, I hold your hand oh
I’m never letting go ooh yeh
You look so o nice, you look soo, muuaah
When you dance like that
Under the sunset oh oh ooh
Never seen no one dance like that
Never seen a bad stepper like ya
You move and everything just stops
Your moves are out of this world
The way you moving
You move like a Queen
Like a Queen
I think I just got hypnotized by you
I think I just fell in love again
In a very very long time again
Very very long time
The way you moving
You move like a Queen
A Propos de "Like A Queen"
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