RASTINO Why cover image

Paroles de Why

Paroles de Why Par RASTINO

Hmmm Yeeeeiii yee huuuu
Rastino again

Oneday night my baby run away
I have been calling you from morning to Gb3k3
Where you dey my baby Nukaedzor
She text me say no more love no more cry
Oh Mama lee oh my God am in doom
My doctor say soo many love dey for my brain
May thunder fire somebody for baby
My own babe nobody dey like you

Baby why oh baby why
Why you do me that why you do me that
Do you want me die do you want me die
Baby come back to me
Baby why oh baby why
Why you do me that why you do me that
Do you want me die do you want me die
Baby come back to me

Ahh baby weytin i do to deserve your matter
Ename tortor dze adahva tame bubu esiayi'
Oh girl i want to know you talk your matter you rest your case
Weytin you want me to tell mama
Weytin you want me to tell my gees
Hmm i want to be alone sipping alcohol to make my mood
I no get matter i zip my mouth
I no get baby and no problem Hmm
Be my buu
Rastino again aahh

Baby why oh baby why
Why you do me that why you do me that
Do you want me die do you want me die
Baby come back to me
Baby why oh baby why
Why you do me that why you do me that
Do you want me die do you want me die
Baby come back to me


A Propos de "Why"

Album : Why (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2022
Ajouté par : Rastino
Published : Oct 29 , 2022

Plus de Lyrics de RASTINO


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