PIA POUNDS Taala Remix cover image

Paroles de Taala Remix

Paroles de Taala Remix Par PIA POUNDS

Yeah hahaha
FMB… yo

Oli taala anjakira nemalayo
Oli taala Pia olimu omuliro
Kuseim fresh jayo obukodyo
Eno taala
Ye mulisa n’ekiro

Taala lya kumakya
Eli singa yo, okwaaka
Elirina amanyi okwaasa, amataala
Wantunula ko n’omutima ne gwaaka
Nalenger’abasinga okupanga (allali)
I’m going to love you
Nemungu wagulu aneewunye
Kub’okigwaana (okigwaana baby)

Yo, huh gwe okigwaan’atte okigwaanira ddala
Bwenjogera nze siyinza na’mala
Nebaz’abazadde abakutondanokula
Kuba atte bwenjogera siyinza nab ala

Because we fell in love
So low oh, so low, so low, down low
How did we fall in love! (Yes baby)
So low oh, so low, so low, down low
Ompita sukaali
Nkuwe ku chai?
Walayi talaahi
There’s no one like you
No one, ma boo

Ah ffefe bussi wo ah ah
Baby oli pure
Atte ondazze mature (maturity)
Mba ku zi tour (huh)
Ng’oluusi nfudde ne core
Naye mba sure
Ng’eyafunye ne cure
Wampa insure, love entrepreneur
Tell a friend to tell a friend
Mbu olibeera nange paka eli to the end
Kati kuba ka dance
Zinamu ne ka bend
Okunye mukuumi
Yakwasa ebya defense (kiwedde)

Baby boy come back to me eh
You are Ma Company oh ah
Yee oh ah
Yee oh aahaaa
Because we fell in love (sing Pia)
So low (come here)
So low (so low)
So low (so low)
Down low
How did we fall in love! (Yes baby)
So low (yes)
So low (yes)
Down low (yes)

Kub’omutima guli wuwo eyo
Newoba mile, nsinzilira eno
Nze nkuw’ebyange boo (alaali)
No one like you
Because we fell in love
So low oooh
So low, so low, down low
How did we fall in love?
So looooooow oh
So low (ah), so low (ah) down low

(Fire fire fire fire fire fire fire gwe)
Baby boy come back for me eh
You are Ma Company oh ah
Yee oh ah yee oh ah
Never ever let somebody (nobody)
Yes never
Never ever


A Propos de "Taala Remix"

Album : Taala Remix (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2020
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Jul 28 , 2020

Plus de Lyrics de PIA POUNDS


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