PHILKEYZ  Mr Melody (Remix) cover image

Paroles de Mr Melody (Remix)

Paroles de Mr Melody (Remix) Par PHILKEYZ

Onome be the flyest
She say she like my sound
She feeling the vibe e be the sickest
Nkechi be the dopest
She say she gbadun the boy from Ojuelegba
Say Mr Melody hit me with your melody

Say Mr Melody hit me with your melody
(She say she gbadun the boy from Ojuelegba)
Say Mr Melody hit me with your melody
Say Mr Melody hit me with your melody
(She say she gbadun the boy from Ojuelegba)

African beauty, Melanin
Chocolate sweetness M&M
She likes the keys am singing in
Summer top strings like tenene

Baby you rise my adrenaline
How can this last for ever, yeah
I want you back in my bed again
Check me out in the crib ’round 11

I want you to know that 
I can be your one and every thing
Wrapped up in my rapture
You can capture every chapter, babe

Uh, tell me what you wanting
I’ll be right there early in the morning
Say I can make you egusi and banga
She say she gbadun the boy from Ojuelegba

Say Mr Melody hit me with your melody
Say Mr Melody hit me with your melody
(She say she gbadun the boy from Ojuelegba)
Say Mr Melody hit me with your melody

Say Mr Melody hit me with your melody
(She say she gbadun the boy from Ojuelegba)
I want you to know that I can be your one and every thing
Wrapped up in my rapture, you can capture every capture babe
Take this ring it’s not again
Wife and girlfriend not the same
She say she gbadun the boy from Ojuelegba


A Propos de "Mr Melody (Remix)"

Album : Premium (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Copyright : (c) 2021
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Mar 10 , 2021

Plus de lyrics de l'album Premium

Plus de Lyrics de PHILKEYZ


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