OCTOPIZZO So Alive cover image

Paroles de So Alive

Paroles de So Alive Par OCTOPIZZO

I dream of a sky where the lights never die down
I'm awake in my sleep and I'm falling to the ground
I want the answers to the questions of the reactions
Whether it makes sense or the path is fatal attraction
Is it the whiteness of the cloud or the steam in my mirror
Is it the broken hour glass
Could it be more clearer

Cause I feel so alive
No one can stop me even if they try
Cause I've been trying much too long
You can't beat me down, I stay strong
Cause I feel so alive
Beat me down I'll stay strong

Through the rain
And the hail and the fire
Through whatever they bring, till i get my desire
Is it the whisper of an angel or the pounding of my heartbeat
Is it the playing of a record where the drumming and the bass meet

'Cause I feel so alive
No one can stop me even if they try
Cause Ive been trying much too long
You can't beat me down I stay strong
Cause I feel so alive
Beat me down ll stay strong

Ay walinidharau
Lakini husikii sahii mtu wangu kuna venye nimekafunga ka Ramadhan- huwezi nisahau
Ju nikiingia kwa booth mi ni ule boy hukick hizo masnare design ya Jackie Chan
So hata mnikate mguu hamuwezi ni-defeat
Finya backspace kwa comp huwezi nidelete
Kuja na Pinye still hamuwezi kunibeat
Na hizo wealth zote mko nazo hamuwezi kunireach
Wanadai mi ni mskinny  I need to gain some weight wait
Nyi ni maskini your pockets need to gain weight
Cause raha wanabonda
After raha wanahara wanakonda ka ngonda
Mi ni hustling daily
Kukula smart nimake sure nimenona kuliko anaconda
Siku hizi wakiniona ni sura wanakuaga wamebonda
Hizo mipaka tunazivuka bila bodaboda ay

Cause I feel so alive
No one can stop me even if they try
Cause I've been trying much too long
You can't beat me down, I stay strong
Cause I feel so alive
Beat me down I'll stay strong so alive

No one can stop me even if they try
Cause I've been try


A Propos de "So Alive"

Album : So Alive (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2013
Copyright : ©2013
Ajouté par : Trendy Sushi
Published : Feb 24 , 2020

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