Paroles de Sometimes
Paroles de Sometimes Par MASH
Raising from dead
I breath a brand new life
Walking among the lame
Seeing among the blind
I breath a brand new life
Cuz it is a brand new day
Cuz it is a brand new day
I'll go oooooh
I'll go oooooh
Sometimes I walk in the darkness
And sometimes am told I don't know what I believe in
But am firm enough to stand
Even when the winds are strong
Sometimes I walk in the darkness
And sometimes am told I don't know what I believe in
But am firm enough to stand
Even when the winds are strong
Even when the winds are strong
They call me a loner, who is lost
To me loneliness is peace
Silence keeps me away from trouble
In desert alone... I'll survive
In the jungle alone...I'll survive
Cuz am a warrior on my own
I've fought battles, came out alive
And still matter how hard the journey is
I'll go ooooh
I'll go ooooh
A veces camino en la oscuridad
Y a veces me dicen no sé en que creo
Pero soy lo suficientemente firme para
Para estar de pie
Incluso cuando los vientos
Vientos son fuertes. (Sometimes.... sometimes)
Sometimes I walk in the darkness
And sometimes am told I don't know what I believe in
But am firm enough to stand,
Even when the winds are strong....(even when they shake me)
Sometimes I walk in the darkness,...(oooohhhhh.
And sometimes am told I don't know what I believe in
But am firm enough to stand
Even when the winds are strong.....(eeeehhh oh my Lord)
Even when the winds are strong....(even when they're strong)
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