MASH Almighty cover image

Paroles de Almighty

Paroles de Almighty Par MASH

I got to praise you my Lord
The almighty the king

I bow down before him and I praise the almighty
The one who created me
The almighty
I bow down before him and I praise the almighty
The one who created me
The almighty

I have no idea where I came from
And I have no idea where am going
All I know is that am alive and all is because of the almighty
One thing I know is that he loves me
And he loves me the way he loves the rest
That gives me company on my path
And I live with no worry in my life
I have no idea where I came from
And I have no idea where am going
All I know is that am alive and all is because of the almighty
One thing I know is that he loves me
And he loves me the way he loves the rest
That gives me company on my path
And I live with no worry in my life

I bow down before him and I praise the almighty
The one who created me
The almighty
I bow down before him and I praise the almighty
The one who created me
The almighty
I bow down before him and I praise the almighty
The one who created me
The almighty

One day I was really lost in this world
But he was there for me having my back
When everybody was blaming me
He was there for me never left me
Sometimes I do wonder how things do
Happen in my life in this world
I challenge challenges that come up
No is never an answer for me
One day I was really lost in this world
But he was there for me having my back
When everybody was blaming me
He was there for me never left me
Sometimes I do wonder how things do
Happen in my life in this world
I challenge challenges that come up
No is never an answer for me
I challenge challenges that come up
No is never an answer for me

I bow down before him and I praise the almighty
The one who created me
The almighty
I bow down before him and I praise the almighty
The one who created me
The almighty
I bow down before him and I praise the almighty
The one who created me
The almighty


A Propos de "Almighty"

Album : Almighty (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Aug 17 , 2021

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