LITTLE SIMZ  The Rapper That Came To Tea (Interlude) cover image

Paroles de The Rapper That Came To Tea (Interlude)

Paroles de The Rapper That Came To Tea (Interlude) Par LITTLE SIMZ

Oh hello, you're early
We weren't expecting you today
But since you're here
Please sit
Would you like a cup of tea?
There you go

Now, it will be a full house today
And many are unaware that you are joining
Not to be alarmed
I'm sure it'll be fine
However, the extroverts like to be entertained
And I was told you don't talk much?
A question, if I may
What's a girl like you want in a place like this?
You see, I've seen many come and go in my lifetime
Those that last have given up
Made sacrifices to be here
Do you have the willingness to do the same?
Or better yet
What's the price that's worth your freedom?

What's the price that's worth your freedom?
When there's no-one there to lean on
Go beyond the stars
It will be hard

Food for thought, dear
Take it as you wish
The bravest of hearts can sometimes be the loneliest of souls
And pride comes with pain
So to be proud is a losing game
Are you the type to run or dance in the rain?
Your mind is the most powerful tool
Never look back
Your destiny awaits

It don't matter where you are
You can still reach for the stars
It don't matter where you are
You can still reach for the stars

It don't matter where you are
You can still reach for the stars
It don't matter where you are

It don't matter where you are
You can still reach for the stars
It don't matter where you are
You can still reach for the stars

It don't matter where you are
You can still reach for the stars
It don't matter where you are

It don't matter where you are
You can still reach for the stars
It don't matter where you are
You can still reach for the stars
It don't matter where you


A Propos de "The Rapper That Came To Tea (Interlude)"

Album : Sometimes I Might Be Introvert (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Copyright : (c) 2021
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Sep 17 , 2021

Plus de lyrics de l'album Sometimes I Might Be Introvert

Plus de Lyrics de LITTLE SIMZ


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