LAYCON Monrovia Hf 531 cover image

Paroles de Monrovia Hf 531

Paroles de Monrovia Hf 531 Par LAYCON

Have had so many good things come my way
SoI know for this journey me am on the right path 
See have had some other good things go away 
So it’s not all rosy gotta tell you  that fact
Me I have so many good days , better days and my best still ahead 
Am all about the better way freedom way not free I go through every routhy way 
That’s how you know I made it out the first phase
See my life is a testimony that a lot of people witness
My gratitude on steroids doubled up the fitness
My reality is expensive imagine how my internet life would be if am prolly a wannabe 
Showing off and posting pictures for your validity 
I still need a safe space  for important thing like happiness , prosperity , my mother and my family 
God bless my friends all I think of  is apologizes 
And really I treated you like trash because I never took you up that’s ironic 
Cos I keep my reassure in my house now came up
Cos I see this wannabes wanna be under my canopy dey search for content so with me is where they wanna be 
But we choose where I’d rather be
Remember when it’s you I wanted on the other side of the call
This days the road is free and you don’t cross my mind at all

And it’s new money new trends new hashtags dey all bring happiness
Pardon me for been late just excuse my tardiness
I have the game by his neck fine no clumsiness
See I squeeze hard e choke , i squeeze harder I be crushed I bring fire to smoke 
When I tell you  am expensive sis it’s not about money am talking about my feelings
Am talking about time , am talking about my energy 
This shit mean a lot to me in my dictionary
Got a stop giving fucks what people think of  me 
Be my best self  though I’m all about the better me 
How I celebrate the  shit I wan win again 
Time  and time again gat  me working round the clock again
So when people say lucky you I be like lucky who luckily the conversation clearly suits to my adrenaline and am lean with my few tricks my energy valerian still so fuck the king trips 
Devil working hard overloading all the penshion funds
Me and Go’s got a mutual bond 
Praise and worship that’s a mutual song 
Have  been praying hard compensation for the broken bonds
And my heart ? stop been a finalist 
Made a lot of sacrifices I though i was a herbalist
I took a walk in a crocs
I’m a don , am a fox , am a slippery nodafucker can’t be stuck in a box 
Funny thing is this days  my humility shows you all the good in me 
So the thing is this days am searching for the best in me
Tryin to stay calm and not react is like a part of me 
So am a pussy cos I see the way dey come for me 
And I see gen way they comfortably talk about my life like dey wanna take my destiny 
Life will test us all and me use our life as  AOc but ? 
The hate you give is really from the hate  you see
And am sorry for you
But I can’t be for you
Cos I can’t live for you 
You not the type that will make me feel your teeth burns kinda feels it still needs a grip 
You wanna go toe to toe I gat my head issues on and I never walk alone got my Liverpool on
I go straight to the net 


A Propos de "Monrovia Hf 531"

Album : I Am Laycon (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Copyright : (c) 2021
Ajouté par : Regee
Published : Sep 23 , 2021

Plus de lyrics de l'album I Am Laycon (The Original Soundtrack)

Plus de Lyrics de LAYCON


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