Paroles de OMG


Oh oh my God
Your ways are higher than my ways
Your thoughts are bigger than my thoughts
You are the most high God
Ooh my God
You turned water into wine
And I believe you turn my life around
You are the way maker

Kumisa Kumisa Kumisa
Kumisa Yesu eeh
Ye atondi na mawa pe ngolu
Kumisa ye
Pambola Pambola Pambola
Pambola yesu eeh
Ye mokokisi na bilaka
Pambola ye

Oohmy God
Your promises are yes and amen
Niwe usiyeshindwa
Hauna mwazo na mwisho
Oohmy God
Niwewe simba wayunda
Ukinguruma naweza yote
Wewe ushindi wangu
Kumisa Kumisa Kumisa
Kumisa yesu eh
Ye atondi na mawa pe ngolu
Kumisa ye
Pambola Pambola Pambola
Pambola yesu eh
Ye mokokisi na bilaka
Pambola ye

Oh my god, oh my god
You are wonderful
Oh my God, oh my god
You are powerful
Oh my God, oh my God
You are awesome

Oh my god, oh my god
You are wonderful
Oh my God, oh my god
You are powerful
Oh my God, oh my God
You are awesome

Oh my god, oh my god
You are wonderful
Oh my God, oh my god
You are powerful
Oh my God, oh my God
You are awesome

Oh my god, oh my god
You are wonderful
Oh my God, oh my god
You are powerful
Oh my God, oh my God
You are awesome

Kumisa Kumisa Kumisa
Kumisa Yesu eeh
Ye atondi na mawa pe ngolu
Kumisa ye
Pambola Pambola Pambola
Pambola yesu eeh
Ye mokokisi na bilaka
Pambola ye


A Propos de "OMG"

Album : Oh My God (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Copyright : (C) 2021 Laurette Chala Ministry
Ajouté par : Afrika Lyrics
Published : Aug 07 , 2021

Plus de Lyrics de LAURETTE CHALA


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