Paroles de Rain Par CELINE BANZA

Waiting on showers from the heavens
Quiet hearts whispering in questions
Rain falls through our minds
Softens all we’d rather leave behind 
What if all that we have is the promise of rain?
And if all that we have is the promise of rain
The say this is the end of the road 
I guess I have to learn to fly
As we spiral we transform 
Take me to the eye of the storm
What is all that we have is the promise of rain
And if all that we have is the promise of rain
What is all that we have is the promise of rain

Will we breathe through this will we live through this
Take me to the eye of the storm 
Will we breathe through this will we live through this
Take me to the eye of the storm 
Take me to the eye of the storm 
Take me to the eye of the storm 
Take me to the eye of the storm


A Propos de "Rain"

Album : Praefatio (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Sep 30 , 2021

Plus de Lyrics de CELINE BANZA


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