KIDI Cyclone cover image

Paroles de Cyclone

Paroles de Cyclone Par KIDI

Sugar daddy

I will go to war for love be your soldier
Release my mind I desire your aura
Wanna give you emotions
Deep in the ocean mmmh
Let me get you high
Make you timeless like diamonds on your neck
You make me wanna loose it, loose it, loose it
Your body when you moving, moving, moving
Got me going dumb like stupid, stupid
Every time that you do it, do it, do it
You got me exciting
When I look at you got me igniting
You like it quiet we keep moving silent
Chilling public heating up in private
Baby I’m tryna to break through
Love you like the typhoon
In a cyclone, in a cyclone
I’m tryna be around you
You wanna be around me
In a cyclone, in a cyclone

You are my pinnacle ladder, don’t wanna be sober
If you are the ganja then I’m the smoker
Baby You make me wanna loose it, loose it, loose it
Your body when you moving, moving, moving
Got me going dumb like stupid, stupid
Any time that you do it, do it, do it
You got me exciting
When I look at you got me igniting
You like it quiet we keep moving silent
Chilling public heating up in private
Baby I’m tryna to break through
Love you like the typhoon
In a cyclone, in a cyclone
I’m tryna be around you
You wanna be around me
In a cyclone, in a cyclone


A Propos de "Cyclone"

Album : The Golden Boy (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Jun 24 , 2021

Plus de lyrics de l'album The Golden Kid

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