JUDIKAY Satisfied cover image

Paroles de Satisfied

Paroles de Satisfied Par JUDIKAY

Ever present help in times of need
Jesus you are
Always you are
Anchor, refuge, with you nothing to fear
Jesus you are
Always you are
Ever present help in times of need
Jesus you are
Always you are
Anchor, refuge, with you nothing to fear
Jesus you are
Always you are

My everything
My all in all
You are all I need
Sufficiency, My all in all
You are all I need
You are all I need
You are more, more than enough for me
You are more, more than enough for me
You are more, more than enough for me
Jesus You are more, more than enough for me
Yes You are more, more than enough for me
Oh oh, You are more, more than enough for me
Oh oh, You are more, more than enough for me
Oh oh, You are more than, more than, more than enough for me
Oh oh, You are more, more than enough for me
Oh oh , You are more, more than enough for me
Oh oh, You are more than, more than, more than enough for me
Oh oh , You are more, more than enough for me

Your blood is enough, I’m satisfied with you
Jesus, I’m satisfied with you
Your grace is enough, I’m satisfied with you
Jesus, I’m satisfied with you
Your love is enough, I’m satisfied with you
Jesus, I’m satisfied with you
Your will is enough, I’m satisfied with you
Jesus, I’m satisfied with you
Oh oh , You are more, more than enough for me
Oh oh , You are more, more than enough for me
Oh oh , You are more, more than enough for me
Oh oh , You are more, more than enough for me
Oh oh , You are more, more than enough for me
Oh oh , You are more, more than enough for me

Your blood is enough, I’m satisfied with you
Jesus, I’m satisfied with you
Your grace is enough, I’m satisfied with you
Jesus, I’m satisfied with you
Your word is enough
Your will is enough
Your grace is enough
Your love is enough
Jesus, I’m satisfied with you
You are enough
You are enough
Jesus, I’m satisfied with you
Oh oh , You are more, more than enough for me
Oh oh , You are more, more than enough for me
Oh oh , You are more, more than enough for me
Oh oh , You are more, more than enough for me
You are more, more than enough for me
You are more, more than enough for me
Jesus You are more, more than enough for me
Yes You are more, more than enough for me


A Propos de "Satisfied"

Album : Satisfied (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2022
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Mar 23 , 2022

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