JUDIKAY Nations  cover image

Paroles de Nations

Paroles de Nations Par JUDIKAY

Owé owé owé owé owé oh
Owé owé owé owé owé oh
Oh oh oh oh  

Somebody sing
Owé oh
Put your hands together like this

Nations come to my light
And kings to the brightness of my rise
My pastures are green
Increase on every side I am blessed
Redeemed of the Lord
Nations come to my light
And kings to the brightness of my rise
My pastures are green
Increase on every side I am blessed
Redeemed of the Lord

I am who he says that I am
Do you know who my daddy is?
I know whose I am
I am that I am
I am who he says that I am
Do you know who my Daddy is?
I know whose I am
I am that I am

Nations come to my light
And kings to the brightness of my rise
My pastures are green
Increase on every side I am blessed
Redeemed of the Lord
Nations come to my light
And kings to the brightness Of my rise
My pastures are green
Increase on every side I am blessed
Redeemed of the Lord

Nations come to my light
And kings to the brightness Of my rise
My pastures are green
Increase on every side I am blessed
Redeemed of the Lord
Nations come to my light
And kings to the brightness Of my rise
My pastures are green
Increase on every side I am blessed
Redeemed of the Lord

I am who he says that I am
I know whose I am
I am that I am
I am who he says that I am
Do you know who my Daddy is?
I know whose I am
I am that I am

Owé owé owé owé owé oh
Owé owé owé owé owé oh
Owé owé owé owé owé oh
 Owé owé owé owé owé oh
I’m alive with Christ
I have the mind of Christ
More than a conqueror
I am born of God
I’m alive with Christ
I have the mind of Christ
More than a conqueror
I am born of God

I’m alive with Christ
I have the mind of Christ
More than a conqueror
I am born of God

 I’m alive with Christ
I have the mind of Christ
More than a conqueror
I am born of God

 I’m alive with Christ
I have the mind of Christ
More than a conqueror
I am born of God

 I’m alive with Christ
I have the mind of Christ
More than a conqueror
I am born of God

 I am who he says that I am
I know whose I am
I am that I am
I am who he says that I am
Do you know who my Daddy is?
I am that I am
Somebody says

Owé owé owé owé owé oh
Owé owé owé owé owé oh
Owé owé owé owé owé oh
 Owé owé owé owé owé oh


A Propos de "Nations "

Album : Nations (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2019
Ajouté par : Preslie Nzobou
Published : Dec 16 , 2019

Plus de Lyrics de JUDIKAY


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