JUDIKAY Elohim cover image

Paroles de Elohim

Paroles de Elohim Par JUDIKAY

You where, you are
You will always be
You are my God
You are my God
You where, you are
You will always be
You are my God
You are my God

Elohim Elohim
You are Elohim
Who was and is, and is to come
Who was and is, and is to come

You where, you are
You will always be
You are my God
You are my God
You where, you are
You will always be
You are my God
You are my God

Elohim Elohim
You are Elohim
Who was and is, and is to come
Who was and is, and is to come
Elohim Elohim
You are Elohim
Who was and is, and is to come
Who was and is, and is to come

Thou art worthy oh Lord to receive all the Glory, Honor and Power
For thou art created
All things for thy Pleasure
Holy Holy Holy is the Lord, God Almighty
Who was and is, and is to come
Who was and is, and is to come

Jesus Jesus
You are Jesus
Who was and is, and is to come
Who was and is, and is to come
Who was and is, and is to come
You are my advocate, you are Jesus
You are the prince of peace, you are Jesus
The fount that won’t run dry, you are Jesus
You are the chief-cornerstone, you are Jesus
The perfect sacrifice, you are Jesus
You are the perfect sacrifice Jesus
Worthy is the lamb, Jesus
Worthy is the lamb of God, Jesus
To the Lion and the lamb, we say glory
To the Lion and the lamb, we say worthy
Worthy to the lamb
Glory to the lamb
Honor to the lamb, Jesus
Worthy to the lamb
Glory to the lamb
Honor to the lamb
Who was and is, and is to come, Jesus
Who was and is, and is to come, Jesus
Good shepherd Jesus

You where, you are
You will always be
You are my God
Worthy to the lamb
Glory to the lamb


A Propos de "Elohim"

Album : Elohim (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2022
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Feb 25 , 2022

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