JOEY B Green Tea cover image

Paroles de Green Tea

Paroles de Green Tea Par JOEY B

I come in peace
I don’t do this for clouds
Im just here for accounts
She no dey twerk she for bounce
She no dey twerk she for bounce
A dey ma side in my niki
Flying kick a dey give you
Flyest sht im jet li
Flyest sht im jet li
Ski ski where we dey screed
People dey beef saurce beef oh
Koty dey silence
Boss license of course five cedis
Pause gyae mi drip drip
Waves ship  G saurce dip oh
Green tea this chale sip
I don’t dance I just move ya
Drunken master no boss ya
Head master no school yah
Got your bitch in my pool yah

Yoo kyere me de3 wo whwehw3
Na mekyer3 wo de3 mehu
Niqqas no fvck my case
3tord3bia me wonder s3
T3yer3ma da mo anum po an
As3 niqqas taste mos3m bon
Moketa brush nanso as3 niqqas ne paste
Berma no sleep like how many days
More holidays
I m chilling and still getting paid
Joe imam plus you a minus
3ba maths mo ah we no be equal
Yeah , x ray niqqas
X ray boys we dey see throught yeah
Fly than a fly wanna ego
Blueticks fellas we dey read you
Yedi gari b3ye mo cocaine
Wey I fit deceive you
Ring kwashe boys mek leave You yeah
I m from the ghetto academy
Nti na kwashe boys yada mi
Promoter double wo sika no
Phlow delly 3ma obia …
Coins 3baha me
Sowutuam soldiers matra punchlines meme proverb
Meni time ntina meton me rolex
Way y3 new era , still no stop
Bemedin mame swag
Swag swag swag

Bomedin mame swag
Sika no y3 on a racks
Fogetti awards memp3 po fa
Y3di agoro nitendo swag
Splash splash
And the drink is splash
Menom ansa nti my drink is squash
Mewo eye drops enti mani atsi paa
Menom ansa nti my drink is

Eee choose abo 2: 30 am
Abra nka y3 ada hmm
3dinn munai mu bo
Forget everybody atanfo b3k] low battery
Na ] mu powerba,k ay3 ha heha swag

Yoo ibe the all time killer
Sowutuam killer swag kingdom hight tech Godzilla
Never undermine menya gold digger
Aden na boy no ye dope sin
Cocaine dealer

Yoo ibe the all time killer
Sowutuam killer swag kingdom hight tech Godzilla
Never undermine menya gold digger
Aden na boy no ye dope sin
Cocaine dealer

Me ibe the beyiefo] killer Komfo ] killer
Se wohwia me ah ago consult river
Don’t try me ibe real nigga jet li mpo
Fa neho ibe bob Siga
 Me ibe the beyiefo] killer Komfo ] killer
Se wohwia me ah ago consult river
Don’t try me ibe real nigga jet li mpo
Fa neho ibe bob Siga


A Propos de "Green Tea"

Album : Green Tea (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2019
Ajouté par : Preslie Nzobou
Published : Nov 29 , 2019

Plus de Lyrics de JOEY B


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