M.ANIFEST Confusion cover image

Paroles de Confusion

Paroles de Confusion Par M.ANIFEST

The shadows came to dance
The night time got ein own plans
Busy bodies all busy moving gidi gidi
Beautiful chaos you go see am feeli feeli
Confusion everywhere I swear
Hurry hurry, ok wait
Go slow, fast pace

Between confused and amused
Dey spy things in my rearview
Little kiddie when’s your curfew
And I think it’s past due
Wey kind person birth you
And you lost your innocence in a sense you are rude
And your aura all intense how can i blame you
And life is a puzzle and they left you no clues
The whole system on hold up
Even the adults no be grown up
We all just rent not own up
Boneshaker flows go slow when we roll up
Confusion all chaw and the system all choke
Life pulling no punches so we do the rope-a-dope
Can’t afford to be broke so i cope with the hope that
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The shadows came to dance
The night time got ein own plans
Busy bodies all busy moving gidi gidi
Beautiful chaos you go see am feeli feeli
Confusion everywhere I swear
Hurry hurry, ok wait
Go slow, fast pace
Ahh ahba
Ahh ahba
Confusion everywhere I swear
Hurry hurry, ok wait
Go slow, fast pace

Little girl alone on the see-saw
I dey wonder all the things that she saw
Momee den popee still dey fight at home or
E be these matters mek man dey free fall
No money dey but they all pray hard
Even outlaws are down by law
No GPS but we all explore
No leftovers yeah we eat all
Popee left sober now he drunk calls
Ewurade Yesu Christo when it rains it pours
Everyday debi debi, mek e come by force
No money dey but they all pray hard
Even outlaws are down by law
No GPS but we all explore
Blinded by the feeling of not knowing tomorrow
Today’s sorrow got a nigga feeling so hollow
I could follow the road to Kukurantumi
No be man-made might, Nyame tumi
No money dey but they all pray hard
Even outlaws are down by law
No GPS but we all explore

The shadows came to dance
The night time got ein own plans
Busy bodies all busy moving gidi gidi
Beautiful chaos you go see am feeli feeli
Confusion everywhere I swear
Hurry hurry, ok wait
Go slow, fast pace
Ahh ahba
Ahh ahba
Ah ahba ah


A Propos de "Confusion"

Album : Confusion (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Copyright : © Singitdamnit Music Ltd 2021
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Apr 30 , 2021

Plus de Lyrics de M.ANIFEST


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