JANET MANYOWA Makafanira cover image

Paroles de Makafanira

Paroles de Makafanira Par JANET MANYOWA

Father we give you Glory
We give you the Praise

Makafanira kunamatwa
Makafanira kurumbidzwa
Mbiri yose, ndeyenyu
Makafanira kunamatwa
Makafanira kurumbidzwa
Mbiri yose, ndeyenyu

Ngarumbidzwe, rukudzo apihwe
Atunhidzwe, asimudzirwe
Mutsvene, mutsvene
Ngarumbidzwe, rukudzo apihwe
Atunhidzwe, asimudzirwe
Mutsvene, mutsvene

Let the praises of our God arise
From the mouths of every tongue and tribe
All the glory, belongs to you
From the mountain to the ocean floor
Everything that has breath praise the Lord
All the honor, belongs to you
God Almighty, we lift up our praises
And pour out our worship and adoration
Holy One, Holy One
God Almighty, we lift up our praises
And pour out our worship and adoration
Holy One, Holy One

Oh oh oh oh
You are the worthy of our praises
Holy Holy Holy, God Almighty
Uphakeme nkosi yezulu
Ufanele nkosi yezulu
Uphakeme, ufanele
Uphakeme nkosi yezulu
Ufanele nkosi yezulu
Uphakeme, ufanele

You are the worthy of our praises
Uphakeme nkosi yezulu
Ufanele nkosi yezulu
Uphakeme, ufanele
Worthy are you, worthy are you God

Ngarumbidzwe, rukudzo apihwe
Atunhidzwe, asimudzirwe
Mutsvene, mutsvene

God Almighty, we lift up our praises
And pour out our worship and adoration
Holy One, Holy One

Let the praises of our God arise
From the mouths of every tongue and tribe
All the glory, belongs to you

Makafanira kunamatwa
Makafanira kurumbidzwa
Mbiri yose, ndeyenyu


A Propos de "Makafanira"

Album : Makafanira (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2020
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Oct 06 , 2020

Plus de Lyrics de JANET MANYOWA


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