JANET MANYOWA Oh Mwari cover image

Paroles de Oh Mwari

Paroles de Oh Mwari Par JANET MANYOWA

Carrying all my burdens 
Covering my shame
Giving life abundantly always 
You are
Leading in still water 
Covering with grace 
Giving perfect peace in all ways always
Who compares? 
Who can stand?
Who can match our God?
Who compares? 
Who can stand?
Who can match our God?

Oh mwari murisimba redu, mwari
Oh mwari murisimba redu, mwari
You are the strength of our lives, you are
Father we are bowing down before you
And we are giving you our all
And we are lifting hands in worship to you, to you our God
And we are standing here all because of you
And we are standing on your word 
We are lifting hands in worship to God
Our strength 

Who compares? 
Who can stand?
Who can match our Mighty Mighty Mighty Mighty God?
Who compares? 
Who can stand?
Who can match our God?
Who compares?  Ndimi simba redu
Who can stand?
Who can match our God?
Who compares? 
Who can stand?
Who can match our God?

Oh mwari murisimba redu, mwari
Oh mwari murisimba redu, mwari
Oh mwari murisimba redu, mwari
Oh mwari murisimba redu, mwari
Oh mwari murisimba redu, mwari
Oh mwari murisimba redu, mwari

Oh mwari, mwari
You are the strength of our lives
You are our peace, our joy
And we find everything we need in your name
Who compares? 
Who can stand?
Who can match our God?


A Propos de "Oh Mwari"

Album : Oh Mwari (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Nov 30 , -0001

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