HLENGIWE MHLABA W Let Your Living Waters Flow cover image

Paroles de Let Your Living Waters Flow

Paroles de Let Your Living Waters Flow Par HLENGIWE MHLABA W

Let Your living water flow over my soul
Let your Holy Spirit come and take control
In every situation that has troubled my mind
All my cares and burdens on to you I roll.
All my cares and burdens on to you I roll.

Let Your living water flow over my soul
Let your Holy Spirit come and take control
In every situation that has troubled my mind
All my cares and burdens on to you I roll.
All my cares and burdens on to you I roll.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Spirit, Spirit, Spirit
Father, Father, Father.
Let Your living water flow over my soul
Let your Holy Spirit come and take control
In every situation that has troubled my mind
All my cares and burdens on to you I roll.
All my cares and burdens on to you I roll.


A Propos de "Let Your Living Waters Flow"

Album : Let Your Living Waters Flow (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2013
Ajouté par : Olivier charly
Published : Feb 20 , 2020

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