HALAL AFRICA Great I Am cover image

Paroles de Great I Am

Paroles de Great I Am Par HALAL AFRICA

You are everything I need you to be
Exactly when I need you to be
You are everything I need you to be
Exactly when I need you to be
You are everything I need you to be
Exactly when I need you to be
Healer, provider
You are the great I am
Faithful forever
You are the great I am
Healer, provider
You are the great I am
Faithful forever
You are the great I am

You are everything I need you to be
Exactly when I need you to be
You are everything I need you to be
Exactly when I need you to be
Healer, provider
You are the great I am
Faithful forever
You are the great I am

You are the great I am
You are the great I am
You are the great I am
You are the great I am
You are my healer
My strong provider
Faithful forever
You are the great I am
You are my healer
My strong provider
Faithful forever
You are the great I am
You are my healer
My strong provider
Faithful forever
You are the great I am

You are my great defender
You are my strong provider
You are my great defender
You are strong provider
My great defender
My strong provider
You are my strong provider
My strong provider
My strong provider
My strong provider
I can always call on you
Whenever I need you
I can always call on you
Whenever I need you
I can always lean on you
I can always run to you
I can always pray to you
I can always call on you
I can always call on you
I can always run to you
I can always lean on you
I can always call on you
I can always call on you
You are my great defender
My strong provider
You are my great defender
You are my strong provider
You are my great defender
You are my great defender
You are my great defender
You are my great defender


A Propos de "Great I Am"

Album : Great I Am (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Apr 01 , 2021

Plus de Lyrics de HALAL AFRICA


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