GUC The Bill cover image

Paroles de The Bill

Paroles de The Bill Par GUC

Long ago you were bruised and pierced
You were broken and shamed for me
Your body was dragged to the floor
You lay on the cross, you died for me
You didn’t have a pen to sign the cheque for me
All you had was love, your name and your blood
Your love was real, it was so real
You did it all for me, for me

The bill is on you Jesus
The bill is on you
The bill is on you Jesus
The bill is on you

You signed the cheque on the cross
You paid in full with your blood
You signed the cheque on the cross
You paid in full with your blood

Okini meze meh
Okini meze
Sobula chi
Okini meze meh
Okini meze
Sobula chi

Obu ji weh, obu ji weh
Chiokike lee
Obu ji weh, obu ji weh
Chiokike lee
Obu ji weh, obu ji weh
Chiokike lee

The bill is on you Yeshua
The bill is on you
The bill is on you Master  
The bill is on you

You signed the cheque on the cross
You paid in full with your blood
You signed the cheque on the cross
You paid in full with your blood
Signed the cheque on the cross
Paid in full with your blood

Tell it to the?
Tell it to the cities
Tell it to the?
Tell it to the world



A Propos de "The Bill"

Album : The Bill
Année de Sortie : 2020
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Apr 03 , 2020

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