GOZY WILLIAMS Ancient Of Days Mix cover image

Paroles de Ancient Of Days Mix

Paroles de Ancient Of Days Mix Par GOZY WILLIAMS

Ancient of days
With your mighty hands you tore thy seas apart
Just a spoken words the earth got it's form king of the earth
Ancient of days
You got power in your hands no one like you
Just one touch of his hands I was made whole, whole again

That’s who you are ancient of days
That's who you're Ancient of days
The scarifice of praise we brought before your throne
Ancient of days you reign forever more

Ancient of days
At the mention of your name all knees must bow
Turn around the circumstances I may face on my way
Ancient of days
You took away the shame the pain and brought Joy
You  put away the York of death and gave me life you gave me life

That's who you're Ancient of days
That's who you're Ancient of days
The sacrifice of praise we brought before your throne
Ancient of days you reign forever more

Ancient of days
With your mighty hands you tore the seas apart
Just a spoken words the earth got it's form
King of the earth
Ancient of days
You got power in your hands no one like you
Just one touch of his hands I was made whole whole again

That's who you're Ancient of days
That's who you're Ancient of days
The sacrifice of praise we brought before your throne
Ancient of days
You reign forever more
Pastor Marvellous

You reign, you reign
You reign, you reign
You reign
You reign you reign forever more
You reign, you reign
You reign, you reign
You reign
You reign you reign forever more
We declare it, you reign
We confess it, you reign
You reign
You reign you reign forever more
Forever, you reign
And forever, you reign
Yes you reign
You reign you reign forever more
Say the heavens, you reign
And the earth, you reign
Proclaim, you reign you reign forever more

The awesomeness of your power, you reign
You reign, you reign you reign forever more
What a mighty god we serve
You reign, you reign
You reign you reign forever more


A Propos de "Ancient Of Days Mix"

Album : Ancient Of Days Mix (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Ajouté par : Joanniglobal Concepts
Published : Jul 28 , 2021

Plus de Lyrics de GOZY WILLIAMS


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