Paroles de Baby Riddim
Paroles de Baby Riddim Par FAVE
Steady your face jor for me
I wanna take a picture
So this could last longer for me
Take my secrets
Guard them like precious money
I never want to hear you quiet
So I write songs for you
And I believe, yes I believe
I’m falling for you like a thief
Weak in the knees
Cause when I see you
I fit to steal the keys to your heart again
My baby bad, my baby good
My baby all the things I need
My baby buss up the silence o
My baby buss up the silence
Steady your face jor for me
I wanna take a picture
So this could last longer for me
Take my secrets
Guard them like precious money
I never want to hear you quiet
So I write songs for you
Oppositions they come left and right
But I don’t care
Popo fit dey our front
Say leave you
But I die there
No more milk or malt
Cause you are my only strength
Whether rich or poor,
I know that you are my best bet
And I believe, yes I believe
I’m falling for you like a thief
Weak in the knees
And cause when I see you
I fit to steal the keys to your heart again
My baby bad, my baby good
My baby all the things I need
My baby buss up the silence
A Propos de "Baby Riddim"
Plus de lyrics de l'album Riddim 5
Plus de Lyrics de FAVE
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