ELIJAH OYELADE Song Of Victory cover image

Paroles de Song Of Victory

Paroles de Song Of Victory Par ELIJAH OYELADE

You took the burden
You broke the chains
You made a way for me
You lift up my head
You took the shame
You made a way for me
You took the burden
You broke the chains
You made a way for me
You lift up my head
You took the shame
You made a way for me

You are my helper
You are my strength
You are the covering of my head
You are my God
Hallelujah, this is my song of victory
Hallelujah, this is my song of praise to you
You are my helper
You are my strength
You are the covering of my head
You are my God
Hallelujah, this is my song of victory
Hallelujah, this is my song of praise to you

You took the burden
You broke the chains
You made a way for me
You lift up my head
You took the shame
You made a way for me
You took the burden
You broke the chains
You made a way for me
You lift up my head
You took the shame
You made a way for me

You are my helper
You are my strength
You are the covering of my head
You are my God
Hallelujah, this is my song of victory
Hallelujah, this is my song of praise to you
You are my helper
You are my strength
You are the covering of my head
You are my God
Hallelujah, this is my song of victory
Hallelujah, this is my song of praise to you

My life is hid in Christ and Christ in God on high
I’m supernatural, oh yes I am more than a conqueror
My life is hid in Christ and Christ in God on high
I’m supernatural, oh yes I am more than a conqueror
Hallelujah, this is my song of victory
Hallelujah, this is my song of praise to you
Hallelujah, this is my song of victory
Hallelujah, this is my song of praise to you

You are my helper
You are my strength
You are the covering of my head
You are my God
Hallelujah, this is my song of victory
Hallelujah, this is my song of praise to you
Hallelujah, this is my song of victory
Hallelujah, this is my song of praise to you
Hallelujah, this is my song of victory
Hallelujah, this is my song of praise to you

My life is hid in Christ and Christ in God on high
I’m supernatural, oh yes I am more than a conqueror
My life is hid in Christ and Christ in God on high
I’m supernatural, oh yes I am more than a conqueror
My life is hid in Christ and Christ in God on high
I’m supernatural, oh yes I am more than a conqueror
My life is hid in Christ and Christ in God on high
I’m supernatural, oh yes I am more than a conqueror
Hallelujah, this is my song of victory
Hallelujah, this is my song of praise to you
Hallelujah, this is my song of victory
Hallelujah, this is my song of praise to you
Hallelujah, this is my song of victory
Hallelujah, this is my song of praise to you


A Propos de "Song Of Victory"

Album : Songs Of The Spirit (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2022
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Jan 20 , 2022

Plus de Lyrics de ELIJAH OYELADE


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