DONEL Motion cover image

Paroles de Motion

Paroles de Motion Par DONEL

Why oh why
They always got a question
Question Iike
Why we Do u try
They could never slow down our progression
Cuz Every new day we catch a blessing
Ain’t got time for the
Ain’t got time to be stressin ahhhh ouuuu

I ain’t tryna get in a way if tha rhythm catches onto you
We just gotta let it vibrate when we rotate It’s always a mood

So Can we keep that motion flowing Yh
Can we keep that motion going yhhh
So many people tried to slow us -hold us down !
But who else in the world gonna run this town
We gotta keep this motion flowin

Comin inna dance & you kno we run the vibe
Don’t need no liquor to hold us on a high
Don’t need nobody but your body n my body
Doin what we do
Cuz every new day we catch a blessing
Ain’t got time for the
Ain’t got time to be stressin ahhhh ouuuu

I ain’t tryna get in a way if tha rhythm catches onto you
We just gotta let it vibrate when we rotate It’s always a mood

So Can we keep that motion flowing Yh
Can we keep that motion going yhhh
So many people tried to slow us -hold us down !
But who else in the world gonna run this town
We gotta keep this motion flowin

Every piece of your love in the air
I can’t lie baby girl it’s so rare
Ai ai ai ai ai ai
Ain’t nobody stopping this ting here
Ai ai ai ai ai aiWe just gotta get the vibes in gear oh Yh

So Can we keep that motion flowing Yh
Can we keep that motion going yhhh
So many people tried to slow us -hold us down !
But who else in the world gonna run this town
We gotta keep this motion flowin


A Propos de "Motion"

Album : African Boy, Pt. 1 (EP)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Copyright : (c) 2021
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : May 21 , 2021

Plus de lyrics de l'album African Boy, Pt. 1

Plus de Lyrics de DONEL


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