Paroles de Khethile Khethile
Paroles de Khethile Khethile Par DE MTHUDA
Kwaqhum' ibhande
Kwasho kulahla abo suster
Baningi abanga bambanga
Wena kheth’ omthandayo
Khethile khethile
Eksen’ iphelile
Ubafo ublowile itop
Imamaz ihambile sho
Khethile Khethile yoh
Ngiyoshad’ eNext door for sho
Kunabo cherrie abayi 4 ngine choice
Kheth’ omthandayo kulenkonzo
Single and mingle uban’ impohlwa
Kwaqhum’ ibhande
Kwasho kulahla abo suster
Baningi abanga bambanga
Wena kheth’ omthandayo
Khethile khethile
Eksen’ iphelile
Ubafo ublowile itop
Imamaz ihambile sho
Khethile Khethile yoh
Ngiyoshad’ eNext door for sho
Kunabo cherrie abayi 4 ngine choice
Kheth’ omthandayo kulenkonzo
Single and mingle uban’ impohlwa
A Propos de "Khethile Khethile"
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