BIEN SAUTISOL Bald Men Anthem cover image

Paroles de Bald Men Anthem

Paroles de Bald Men Anthem Par BIEN SAUTISOL

Shine your head as a crown
Don't let nobody ever put you down
Everything they do we do it better
You need a bald man to love you better baby

Shine your head as a crown
Don't let nobody ever put you down
Everything they do we do it better
You need a bald man to love you better baby

She say she want a bald man
She say she need a bald man
You know once you go bald
No you don't come back

So man a bald man come break this back
Akili ni nywele kila mtu ana zake
Yule hana ni majaaliwa
Wangapi wanazo na kichwani matope
Wengine nywele walinunua

So if you don't haffi dread to be rasta
Don't let your hair be your master
Keep it clean like a a soldier
Somebody call Delilah

Shine your head as a crown
Don't let nobody ever put you down
Everything they do we do it better
You need a bald man to love you better baby

Shine your head as a crown
Don't let nobody ever put you down
Everything they do we do it better
You need a bald man to love you better baby

Everything they do we do it better
You need a bald man

Kipara ngoto maji ya moto
Ukimpata unampiga ngoto
No hair don't care na sina fomo
No hair don't care

As it was written in the beginning and so shall it be
Never seen a bald man forsaken
It's written in the prophecy of humanity
We gonna rise above all the hating

Shine your head as a crown
Don't let nobody ever put you down
Everything they do we do it better
You need a bald man to love you better baby

Shine your head as a crown
Don't let nobody ever put you down
Everything they do we do it better
You need a bald man to love you better baby

Everything they do we do it better
You need a bald man to love you better baby
Oooh baby
Everything they do we do it better
You need a bald man 

Man a bald man, bald to the bone
We don't need no hair and everybody know
She want a bald man, bald to the bone
We don't need no hair and everybody know

She want a bald man, bald to the bone
We don't need no hair and everybody know
She love a bald man, bald to the bone
We don't need no hair and -


A Propos de "Bald Men Anthem"

Album : Bald Men Anthem (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Copyright : (c) 2021
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Oct 08 , 2021

Plus de lyrics de l'album Bald Men Love Better (EP)

Plus de Lyrics de BIEN SAUTISOL


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