Paroles de Sweet Sensi Par BENSOUL

They tell you this
A friend with weed is the friend we need
Okey (Sol Generation)

This one is for my beiby, my maryjane
Sweet sensi in air, up in the air
I feel it clearer from way up here
I know you are somewhere oh Mary come out

Coz I need some puff puff pass
For me to chill out

And when I think about the special place 
I keep my lighter 
I can't wait to get home and light it up
You don't know how, you don't know how
You don't know how cool that feels

When I think about the special place 
I keep my sensi
Siwezi ngoja to get home and smoke it
You don't know how, you don't know how
You don't know how cool that feels

So what what what? 
What Suda do, what Suda do
What Suda do to make you love my beiby

So what what what? 
What Suda do, what Suda do
What Suda do to make you love my beiby

Sweet Sensi in here
You are in my arms
Am ready for yah
I'm ready for love

I'm gonna roll  you up
I'm gonna smoke you up
And I'm gonna get you all up
In my buruwein, oh no no no 

And when I think about the special place 
I keep my lighter 
I can't wait to get home and light it up
You don't know how, you don't know how
You don't know how cool that feels

When I think about the special place 
I keep my sensi
Siwezi ngoja to get home and smoke it
You don't know how, you don't know how
You don't know how cool that feels

So what what what? 
What Suda do, what Suda do
What Suda do to make you love my beiby

So what what what? 
What Suda do, what Suda do
What Suda do to make you love my beiby

Niko na craving ya kishada
Craving ya kishada

Smoking kaya get's my soul on fire
I'm okey, alright
Ju sipendagi makali, pombe sigara siwezi
I'm okey, alright

Kwani kwenu ni saa ngapi?
Hapa kwangu ni 4:20
I'm okey, alright

Ju siku moja duniani
Tutavuta hadharani
We will be okey, alright

You don't know how, you don't know how
You don't know how cool that feels
You don't know how, you don't know how
You don't know how cool that feels


A Propos de "Sweet Sensi"

Album : Sweet Sensi
Année de Sortie : 2020
Copyright : (c) 2020 Sol Generation.
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Apr 21 , 2020

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