BENACHI There For Me  cover image

Paroles de There For Me

Paroles de There For Me Par BENACHI

Oh Lord, i know you are there for me
Oluwa , i know you are there for me
Nyasaye , i know you are there for me
Oh Lord, i know you are there for me 
You are there for me (You are there for me)
You are there for me (You are there for me)
You are there for me (You are there for me)
You are there for me (You are there for me)
You are there for me (You are there for me)
You are there for me (You are there for me)

I believe in you 
My faith is strong in you 
What would i do, without you I can’t …
Everything i depend on you
All my life i give it to you 
Take control, take it ohhhh

Oh Lord, i know you are there for m
Oluwa , i know you are there for me
Nyasaye , i know you are there for me
Oh Lord, i know you are there for me 
You are there for me (You are there for me)
You are there for me (You are there for me)
You are there for me (You are there for me)
You are there for me (You are there for me)
You are there for me (You are there for me)

You are never too late when i count to you
I will now cry cuz i gat you 
God you know that i look to you
This song of praise that i sing to you 
All my life i live for you 
I live for you 
I live for you ehhhhh 

Oh Lord, i know you are there for me
Oluwa ,i know you are there for me
Nyasaye , i know you are there for me
 Oh Lord, i know you are there for me 
You are there for me (You are there for me)
You are there for me (You are there for me)
You are there for me (You are there for me)
You are there for me (You are there for me)


A Propos de "There For Me "

Album : There For Me (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Sep 16 , 2021

Plus de Lyrics de BENACHI


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