Paroles de Mellisa
Paroles de Mellisa Par ABBAH
Mellisa, mellisa
Mama chuma inapita
Saula kukupa sina shida
Ah tingisha ah tingisha mdodo
Niite don, don don maana sinaga madogo
Mpinzani kwenye tende
Yumba nikubebe
Sweat nikubebe
Wa boma boma
Ukibeep tu ni dede
Ufunge na kibwebwe
Na ni cartoon wa mazembe
Napiga no no no no
Mellisa, mellisa
Mellisa, mellisa
Mellisa, mellisa
Mellisa, mellisa
I want you girl I need you to be my diva
My one and only special for me like bida
Baby look to my eyes yeah
And make I realize
My eyes no be blind e
I only see your love
Baby look to my eyes yeah
And make I realize
My eyes no be blind e
I only see your love
In a million girls never sen like you
So sweet like banana
You dey teach me how to love
Show me love, nakupenda sana
In a million girls never sen like you
So sweet like banana
You dey teach me how to love
Show me love
'Cause you make me feel like
Mellisa, mellisa
Mellisa, mellisa
Mellisa, mellisa
Mellisa, mellisa
I look at you, look at you
Tell me baby girl what you feeling
From the ghetto life
Here now we chilling
I look at you, look at you
Tell me baby how you feeling
You are miss Abbah
Here now we chilling
A Propos de "Mellisa"
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