Paroles de Hela
Paroles de Hela Par A-Q
A part of me dies with you
Mere mortals may I never die with you
The immortal life of Henrietta lacks
I spread like HeLa cells and multiply tissues
(Google that)
Conversations with death
When it's my time make it swift don't save me no breath
My last days be praised, May we say the grace
And cross be on the ground of the last place I'm laid
Conversations with death
I tell 'em before you take me, better pay my respects
I'd tell you when it's time, you can't take me just yet
I'm on God's Mission the revelation is blessed
'Cos Moses must free his people
Mandela will rise above evil
And If I die prematurely
Surely, I'm George Floyd the riots would be uncivil
Got to be heaven when I'm gone 'cos
I rose from hell's kitchen i'm like Nicholas bond
Angels blow me trumpets and compose me a song
As they read psalms from the bible and the Holy Quran
Conversation with death
Have mercy on my brothers don't take 'em just yet
All the stories I told, the principles I uphold
As I travel on this road, my destination is death
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