1DA BANTON No Sleeping  cover image

Paroles de No Sleeping

Paroles de No Sleeping Par 1DA BANTON

You see this life i dey live 
I dey try to dey jaiye lo
O da na 
In everything wey  I  do 
I dey try satisfy my soul 
O da na 
Let me sip from my cup dj play me the  gongo aso
O da na
Call your girls and your guys 
All of them tell dem say aiye Po
O da na 

Because no sleeping tonight
Shayo dey my cup o
If I tell you whatsupp 
I can't kill myself 
I say  no sleeping tonight
Shayo dey my cup o
Make I tell you whatsupp 
I can't kill myself 

Suffer no dey taya you abi abi
Garri never do you abi
You don see poor man wey get padi
You go pray make your life be like that abi
Mo shashe gba  egun gba gbalabi
Na rich man dey get padi

Won sare wa mo o ri ibi da won si
Gbenusi ni won e fun won loti si
You wan make dem call you ballers 
Make dem dey call your name 
How many shayo you fit buy charlie make we use your name 
Je ka ma tikatika gbadun the party
All of my padi won ni Owo jatijati
You go fresh
You go confirm say money dey Lagos 
You go enjoy 

Because no sleeping tonight
Shayo dey my cup o
If I tell you whatsupp 
I can't kill myself 
I say  no sleeping tonight
Shayo dey my cup o
Make I tell you whatsupp 
I can't kill myself


A Propos de "No Sleeping "

Album : No Sleeping (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Copyright : (c) 2021
Ajouté par : Regee
Published : Jul 23 , 2021

Plus de lyrics de l'album Original Vibe Machine

Plus de Lyrics de 1DA BANTON


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